The Northern Ireland NPM Subgroup was launched in 2023. The Subgroup and its members represent the interests of Northern Ireland bodies of the UK NPM.

The Subgroup aims to:
- Share information on the work of the NPM bodies in Northern Ireland
- Identify common issues and interests.
- Coordinate NPM activities in Northern Ireland.
- Explore possibilities for joint activity.
- Raise the profile of the work of the NPM.
- Improve liaison with the Northern Ireland Executive.
- Provide support to the NPM bodies in Northern Ireland in application of OPCAT requirements.
- Make use of self-assessment and peer evaluation tools as a method of measuring continued improvement.
The Subgroup meets quarterly. The Chair of the NPM Northern Ireland Subgroup is Rachel Lindsay, Criminal Justice Inspection.
Members of the NPM Northern Ireland:
- Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland;
- Independent Monitoring Boards (Northern Ireland);
- Northern Ireland Policing Board Independent Custody Visiting Scheme;
- The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority.