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NPM Bulletin – June 2024



I am so pleased to be sending the first UK National Preventive Mechanism Bulletin, a monthly internal update on the activities happening across the NPM. We are currently sending this bulletin to the official representatives of the 21 NPM constituent bodies, and invite you to please cascade it to your staff and volunteers so that they can remain up-to-date on NPM news and participate in our events. If you have received a forwarded copy of this bulletin and would like to be added to the subscription list, please reply to this email requesting to subscribe. Thank you for reading!

Sam Gluckstein, Head of UK NPM

Join us for the NPM Preventive Guidance launch

Next week, the UK NPM will be launching new guidance for leaders, staff and volunteers working in preventive-based monitoring at a free online event on Thursday, 27 June from 10:30-11:30. Participants will hear from Sam Gluckstein, Head of UK NPM, and guest speakers including Sarah Cooke OBE, Professor Rachel Murray, Alan Mitchell, President of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), and more, followed by a Q&A session. We invite all staff and volunteers of UK NPM bodies to attend. Register now to book your place.

Blog: Annual Conference 2024

Our latest blog post is live on the NPM website, sharing details of the 2024 UK NPM Annual Conference (24-25 April) which focused on the theme of scrutinising culture. We invite you to read the blog which also includes the conference video and NPM chairs’ panel video.

Photo of approximately 30 delegates at the UK NPM Annual Conference 2024

Latest news from NPM bodies

If we missed anything, or if you have a report, blog post or news story you would like to share in the next bulletin, please send us an email.

International NPM activities

Part of the mandate of all National Preventive Mechanisms is to liaise with international NPMs to share knowledge and best practices. Over the past month, Sam Gluckstein co-facilitated a training for the Australian NPM alongside Ben Buckland from the Association for the Prevention of Torture. NPM representatives have also been providing the Ukraine NPM with advice and support on methodologies, approach, skill-building, best practices and overall NPM development. Sam also attended the NPM forum in Strasbourg which included a workshop discussing the European Commission’s recommendation on procedural rights of suspects and accused persons subject to pre-trial detention and on material conditions.

Upcoming events and activities

20-21 June 2024 – IMB North and South Study Day, Sam Gluckstein will present on the work of the NPM and the value of IMBs within it, Birmingham

2-3 July 2024 – OSEC/ODIHR* Training Course on detention monitoring and the protection of human rights while preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalization to terrorism (VERLT) in prisons, Louise Falshaw (IMB & Lay Observers) and Jacqui Durkin (CJI) will attend on behalf of the NPM, Warsaw

22 August 2024 – NPM Scotland Subgroup meeting, Edinburgh

16 September 2024 – NPM Northern Ireland Subgroup meeting, Online

*Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe/Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

Thank you for reading!

This bulletin will be compiled each month by the NPM Central Team, which includes: Sam Gluckstein, Head of the UK NPM, Jane Kilpatrick, Secretariat Officer, Chelsea Keenan, Secretariat Officer (Scotland), Claire Pizzurro, Summer Law Intern, and Serife Suleyman, Secretariat Assistant. If you have any news you would like to share, please let us know!

The UK NPM Central Team